Sunday, 22 May 2011

My Favorite Holiday!

  My favorite holiday is New Year's day.  Japanese calls this day 'Shougatsu'.  It is one of the most important events.  During Shougatsu, families living far apart gather together.  And children are given a gift money called  'Otoshidama' from relatives.  We eat a special soup called 'Ozounni' which contains rice cakes.  At the beginning of the year, most Japanese visit shrines where we pray to the deity to live safe through the coming year.  This is called 'Hatsumoude'.  Also, some men and women wear Kimono, which I wear in this photo. I can experience special things, so Shougatsu is the most favorite holiday for me.


  1. Nozomi ~ I read your favorite holiday. Your picture is awesome. You're so beautiful.:)

  2. Hi Nozomi,
    I like your picture, You are wonderful.

  3. Will the man wear Kimono in New Year's Day in your country? I didn't saw that in Japanese Movies. The Man's Kimono, do it like Woman's Kimono?

  4. That kimono looks great! When I lived in Japan, I enjoyed a lot of local festivals like Dontaku in Fukuoka. It was always fun to see the parades, costumes and special food.


    Japanese call this day 'Shougatsu'.

    I can experience special things, so Shougatsu is the best holiday for me.
